Designing and Mounting a Braille Tactile Sign

Struggling to establish strong branding for your business? Take a look at this blog and get valuable tips for choosing signs for your business.

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Brands, Logos, Signs: Blogs for Businesses

Branding is one of the biggest concepts in the business world right now, and it can take a range of forms. You may want to create a global brand that instantly makes people equate your logo with a certain feeling, or you may be happy creating a local brand, one your customers trust and look to for quality products or services. Regardless of your ultimate goals, there are physical elements involved in the process, and signs are one of them. You need a sign for your storefront, signs to advertise sales, billboards, safety signs and more, and this blog is going to discuss all of them. Take a look, and get valuable tips for choosing signs for your business.


Designing and Mounting a Braille Tactile Sign

1 December 2021
, Blog

Braille tactile signs are designed and made in a variety of ways. There is no standard pattern for the design and making process, but there are several steps that many people who make braille signs go through when they create these helpful and useful objects.

Decide on the wording

First, you have to decide what your sign will say. This may seem easy, but it can be tricky if you have never written a braille sign before. Ideally, you will compress your message to be as short and as easy to understand as possible. After all, most signs are supposed to be functional.

Decide on the location

Next, you need to decide how big your text should be and where to place it on the sign. It is good practice to put the text in the centre of the sign and then attach braille tactile signs above or beside the existing text. If there isn't an existing sign nearby that is relevant, try putting smaller information in braille below your main piece of text since braille users tend to explore their surroundings using touch when unfamiliar with their environment.

Decide on the material

A sign-maker can make braille signs from lots of different materials. Brass or copper is a popular choice because it lasts a long time, and you can engrave text into it. However, you may also wish to consider plastic and wood. Plastic and wood can be used to make raised braille signs, and they are cheap.

Decide on the size

Once you have decided on what your sign will say, you need to decide on how big it should be. The size is important because it determines the size of the lettering that you use. You should avoid making the sign too small as this could make it difficult to locate.

Secure the sign in place

Once you decide on an area of flat space to make your sign, you can choose what material to use and find a place to attach the sign so it cannot be easily moved or damaged. Before making braille tactile signs, it is always good practice to test this attachment process. Otherwise, when someone touches the object, they may accidentally move it out of position.

If you'd like further advice and guidance, you should contact a local company that produces braille signs. A member of the team will be able to provide additional information regarding braille tactile signs.