Three Ways to Use Corflute Signs Around Your Building Site
Corflutes are sturdy, lightweight plastic signs which are ideal for temporary outdoor use. They're fully waterproof and can easily be attached to metal railings or scaffolding, making them perfect for displaying signs around a building site. You could use the signs to display essential safety information to workers and members of the public, information on the project for interested passers-by, and as a way to take advantage of passing traffic to advertise your construction services. Read on for full details on each of these usages.
To display safety notices
Corflutes can be printed in full colour, so are ideal for displaying safety notices and symbols. You could display information on the equipment that must be worn on site, displaying the logos for hard hats, boots, and high-visibility jackets. If you're using multiple contractors from different organizations, then having all of the key safety information in a place that's easy to see will reduce the risk of accidents, as well as ensuring that you comply with local laws. For projects close to schools or residential areas, you could display information for parents regarding child safety around the construction site. Signs reading 'Danger' and 'Keep out' can reduce the risk of trespassing.
To provide information about the project
Providing information about the work you're carrying out is good practice and should satisfy the curiosity of passers-by, meaning they'll be less likely to distract workers with questions. You could display images showing an artist's representation of the finished work, as well as details as to why it is being carried out, and projected dates for completion. For community buildings, like libraries or leisure centres, you could display a web address allowing local people to get more information on how they'll benefit from the new amenity. Choosing large corflutes will allow you to give a more accurate picture of what the finished building will look like, and you could use several signs side by side to display a large image, showing how the building will look from the angle of the viewer.
To advertise your services
Corflute signs are an excellent way to advertise your services while you work. You could display a large image of your company logo, alongside contact details like a phone number and web address. Some details on the type of work you carry out will help you to attract the right customers. If you're working in a busy area that sees a lot of traffic, then displaying a sign could lead to lots of new clients.