Choosing a Memorial Plaque for Your Deceased Loved One

Struggling to establish strong branding for your business? Take a look at this blog and get valuable tips for choosing signs for your business.

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Brands, Logos, Signs: Blogs for Businesses

Branding is one of the biggest concepts in the business world right now, and it can take a range of forms. You may want to create a global brand that instantly makes people equate your logo with a certain feeling, or you may be happy creating a local brand, one your customers trust and look to for quality products or services. Regardless of your ultimate goals, there are physical elements involved in the process, and signs are one of them. You need a sign for your storefront, signs to advertise sales, billboards, safety signs and more, and this blog is going to discuss all of them. Take a look, and get valuable tips for choosing signs for your business.


Choosing a Memorial Plaque for Your Deceased Loved One

31 August 2016
, Blog

More and more Australians are opting for cremation or alternate disposal methods after they pass away rather than a traditional full body burial. As this means there is no obvious spot to head to in order to mourn your loved one, it can be difficult to fully grieve the person you are missing. Here are some options for memorial plaques

A garden bench near a nice view

If you like to contemplate the future and the past then it can be nice to place a plaque on a bench where you can sit and think about your loved one. This might include a great view of a park that they like to visit, a bench near their favourite animal at the zoo or even a shaded bench in a neglected corner of the city with little public seating if they had been a practically minded person in life. Having a place to sit and think of your loved one can help you as well as other people who might use the bench so it can be a good idea for someone who wanted to be remembered in a simple but practical way. 

A plaque in a garden

Many people who have had an early on unexpected loss such as the loss of an infant often like a quiet place such as a memorial garden to remember their child. Many cemeteries have brighter and more vibrant areas set up for memorialising children. These can include butterfly gardens and floral arrangements that can be a nice place to sit and remember the child as well as bringing their siblings to visit over time. Memorial plaques can be incorporated into the paths and walls around the garden,or small statues, which form part of the garden setup. 

A plaque on a tree

Some people prefer to have a living memorial such as a tree. You can often sponsor trees at botanical gardens or tree walks, where a memorial plaque can be incorporated into the information around the tree. This can be a great low-key memorial option for a nature lover, whilst still giving loved ones a physical place to visit their loved one. 

If you are looking for a way to memorialise your loved one who has opted for a non-traditional body disposal option, there are a range of beautiful options. You can speak to a cemetery plaque company to discuss which options might best honour the memory of your loved one.